MMG Consulting

Digital Transformation Strategy: A Complete Beginners Guide

digital transformation strategy

A digital transformation strategy is an integral part of any business that wants to remain competitive in today’s modern world. As digital transformation consultants, we have seen first-hand the impact that this strategy can have on a company and its employees.  A successful strategy can 10x your business within a few months. If you’re contemplating embarking on your own digital transformation journey, then this article will guide you through the process, so you know what to expect. Remember to take action so you can leapfrog your competition today.


The Basic Tenets of Digital Transformation

The process of digital transformation is a way for businesses to change their digital processes in order to achieve success. This includes everything from changing how they do business models, making decisions more efficiently and even improving customer service! The key drivers that make this radical shift can be found on both sides: there are growth opportunities as well as issues with efficiency which need fixing if we want our world’s economy not only to survive but thrive.

The result of this digital transformation is a new way to do business. This involves change for both customers and companies, but it can create opportunities where there were none before – provided everyone takes the necessary steps together!

Digital Transformation has become more than just an initiative, making its impact felt across all aspects of how businesses are run. However, that doesn’t mean that every company should go through with it at the same time or even in the same ways.

Digital Transformation is an umbrella term for many technologies that have been developed to help transform organizations, we have broken it down into the following 5 categories.

1) Social Media

2) Data

3) Digital Security

4) All things internet (including your website)

5) Mobility

Why Digital Transformation is Necessary

Having a digital transformation strategy is important because it can help your business grow and be more efficient. However, like anything else in life, there are risks associated with digital transformation as well. You need to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision whether or not to undergo a digital transformation journey.

The following are some of the reasons why you might want to consider digital transformation for your company:

– Improve customer service

– Increase efficiency for your workforce

– Make decisions faster

– Compete in a global market

– tap into new markets or customers that were inaccessible before

The list could go on, but these are some of the most important factors that businesses should take into account when considering if digital transformation is right for them. There are many benefits to undergoing a digital transformation which we will cover later but it’s important to remember that not every company is the same and will have different needs.

In order to make an informed decision, you should ask yourself the following questions:

– What is my business model and how does digital transformation affect it?

– What are my goals and is a digital transformation strategy the best way to reach them?

– Do we have the resources that we need in order to make this happen successfully?

If you are ready for growth then these questions will help you decide if your company needs to undergo a digital transformation, as well as what kind of digital transformation journey you should go on. By contacting a digital transformation consultant, you can better understand your options and whether or not digital transformation is right for you.

The Main Digital Challenges

The digital landscape is concretely changing, and businesses are feeling the pressure to keep up. This can be seen in the form of digital challenges that companies face when trying to undergo a digital transformation journey. The following are some of the most common digital challenges that businesses experience:

Lack of leadership commitment

This can be detrimental to the success of any digital transformation because it’s important to have the support and buy-in from higher-ups in order for everyone else to be on board.

Insufficient resources

This can also be a challenge because it takes time, manpower and other resources to properly execute a digital transformation. If you are currently scaling your business this shouldn’t be a problem.

Lack of skills

In order to successfully complete a digital transformation, your team will need the necessary skillset to do so. If you don’t have the right people in place, this could be another obstacle to overcome. Education is the best way to prevent this.

Lack of integration

This happens when different parts of the company are working on digital transformation initiatives separately instead of together, causing chaos and a lack of synergy.

Lacking strategy or roadmap

It’s important to have a clear strategy or roadmap in place so that everyone knows what they are doing, how it fits into the bigger picture and where this project is headed. This will help your digital transformation go more smoothly than if you were just running headfirst without thinking about anything else along the way.

Lack of forward-thinking

Blockbuster may have been a once-popular video store, but it failed to see the demand for streaming services like Netflix. As a result of this blind spot Blockbusters’ global empire eventually crumbled and they filed bankruptcy in 2010

The company had over 9000 stores worldwide when it finally folded due largely because its own executives could not recognize how changing technology would impact their business model. This is going to continue to happen with companies of all sizes if they don’t take the time to consider how digital transformation initiatives could affect their future.

Inability to take advantage of big data

Data is the driving force behind so many decisions, and it’s quickly become a competitive advantage for companies in fast-moving industries. They must be able to effectively gather data while being mindful of its complexity as well; they also need skills on how best not only clean but structurally organize this information before serving it back out into an eager marketplace where there are even more opportunities available than ever waiting.

How Digital Transformation Can Change Your Business

Having a digital transfer strategy can dramatically change the way your business operates and help you to be more competitive in today’s market. The digital landscape is changing rapidly, and companies that don’t adapt will fall behind or disappear altogether. The following are some of the ways a digital transformation can change an entire company:

Customer-focused culture

The old model of customer service is being phased out in favor of an immersive, interactive experience that takes advantage of modern technology. In-person transactions are becoming less common while virtual interactions grow exponentially with social media platforms like Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp.

With these changes comes expectations on both sides: businesses can no longer just provide good products but must also courtyard outstanding experiences; customers will expect more from their purchases thanks to increased accessibility at every level – physically as well digitally

Operational efficiency

This is when you make your processes more efficient so that they can handle larger volumes of work. A digital transformation can help you to automate these processes and make them run faster and smoother by using the latest technology.

Increased sales

Digital transformation has increased productivity for businesses across the board. Companies are able to save time, money and effort with automation in many different areas of their business activities from social media marketing strategies all the way down supply chain management–and artificial intelligence is only making those capabilities more advanced!

An interesting recent development that’s helped propel this trend forward significantly: machine learning algorithms which will soon enable us better to understand how customers interact with our products or services without having any human interaction at all.

Improved branding

A digital transformation can help you to create a strong brand identity that will resonate with your customers. It can also help you to stand out from the competition. This is more important than ever before because companies can no longer rely on their products and services alone to make a sale.

Increased productivity

A digital transformation will help you to achieve better results in your business by making it more productive. This is especially important for businesses that operate within highly competitive industries such as financial services, telecommunications and media–and healthcare too! Many industries are being disrupted by digital technologies, so it’s essential for companies to find new ways to improve their productivity in order to stay ahead of the curve.

Increased efficiency

This can be achieved by automating processes and using technology that makes things run more smoothly as digital transformation allows for scalability.

Better customer service

Digital transformation can help you to provide a better customer experience by using technology to improve the way you interact with your customers. It can also help you to gather data about your customers so that you can better understand what they want and need.

Improved decision making

A digital transformation can help you to make better decisions by giving you access to more data. This data can come from many different sources, including social media, surveys, and analytics. With this data, you can make informed decisions based on real-world evidence rather than assumptions or gut feelings.

Greater scalability

With the right technology in place, your company can grow at a much faster rate than before because you will be able to handle more volume with the same number of resources. A digital transformation can help you to expand your business into new markets and reach new customers.

Reduced costs

A digital transformation can help you to reduce your costs by automating processes and using technology that is more efficient than what you are currently using. It can also help you to save money on marketing expenses by using online channels instead of traditional methods.

Improved security

With so much data being shared online, it’s important to have a strong security system in place to protect your information. A digital transformation can help you to improve your security posture and keep your data safe from hackers and cyber-attacks.

Increased innovation

A digital transformation can help you to develop new products and services that will keep your customers coming back for more. It can also help you to come up with creative ways of getting in front of them, so they hear about these offerings first.

Better decision making

This can be achieved by gathering data and analyzing it so that you can make better decisions based on facts rather than opinions. This happens due to the fact that digital transformation changes the way you make decisions from top-down to data-driven.

How Consultants Help Navigate You Through the Process

Consultants can help businesses go through digital transformation by providing expert guidance and support throughout the process. They can also help to identify opportunities for improvement, such as transforming your business into a mobile-friendly company or creating an app that will make it easier for customers to get in touch with you.

Another great benefit of hiring digital transformation consultants is that they can help to provide an unbiased perspective on how your business needs to change.

The best part about consulting for digital transformation is that there are many different types of services you can choose from, so it’s possible for small businesses and large enterprises alike to benefit greatly by working with a consultant. By providing value in the form of strategy, planning, design and development–and everything in between-consultants will ensure that your company reaches its goals during this exciting time. Without this expert help, this process can take years and result in your company being left in the old ages of yellow pages and Tv advertising.

The digital space is always evolving, and algorithms are changing daily so by working with a digital transformation consultant your company can keep up with today’s trends and changes. If you are looking for a way to improve your business or if you would like to learn more about digital transformation, you can reach out to our team here.

Creating a Digital Transformation Roadmap

Creating a digital roadmap that is actually effective can be a challenge, but it’s even more difficult if you don’t have the right guidance. Digital transformation consultants can help businesses to create digital roadmaps by looking at the overall goal and determining different milestones that will lead your business there.

The proper roadmap will allow you to set out specific goals as well as identify what needs to be done now in order for those later objectives to be met. This is an important part of keeping everyone on track throughout this process, so nothing falls through the cracks – which happens all too often when companies try going down this path without professional assistance. We have broken the roadmap down into the following simple steps:

1) Create a plan that is based on your company’s goals

The first step in creating a digital transformation roadmap is to come up with a plan that is based on your company’s specific goals. This means that you need to sit down and determine what it is you want to achieve, whether it’s increasing sales or becoming more efficient. Once you have these objectives in mind, you can start developing different milestones that will help lead your business there.

2) Ensure everyone is on the same path

In order to truly see benefits from digital transformation, there needs to be top-level support and collaboration within your company. This can only happen with the involvement of all departments – including managers who are responsible for helping their employees adapt as a result of this shift towards more tech-heavy industries or jobs that require it.

3) Identify different milestones along the way

It’s important to note here that each milestone should not be too large – otherwise, it becomes difficult to keep track of progress and ensure everyone stays focused. That’s why breaking them down into smaller steps makes so much sense and allows for better management overall.

4) Determine what is needed in order for each milestone to be met

In order for each milestone to be met, there are certain things that need to be done. These are the “action items” that will lead your business towards its goals and keep everyone on track throughout this process.

5) Ensure that you are changing with the digital landscape

You should always pay close attention to what is happening in the digital space so you can change along with it – otherwise, you run the risk of getting left behind or lagging too far behind current trends. Keeping an eye on things like social media accounts, website analytics, customer feedback and more allows for better insight into how customers view your company right now as well as where they expect you to go next – which then helps dictate future steps down the line.

6) Effectively track results along the way

Last but not least, it’s important to track the results of your digital transformation roadmap so you can see whether or not things are working and where adjustments may need to be made. This data should be collected at regular intervals so that changes (and progress) can be monitored and assessed as needed.

Digital transformation consultants can help businesses create a proper roadmap by looking at overall objectives while also considering different milestones along the way. This process isn’t easy, and it certainly shouldn’t be taken lightly which is why we recommend working with an expert team who knows how to handle this kind of thing every step of the way.

Digital Technologies

There are many different digital technologies that businesses should consider when working on their digital transformation strategy. We will cover just some of the most important ones.

Social media platforms

There are many different platforms out there to choose from with TikTok rising in popularity, LinkedIn for any B2B companies and Facebook that is still great for building community. These kinds of tools allow for easy organic growth along with better communication with your customers.

Marketing automation

This includes things like lead generation strategies, automated email sequences and customer data tracking capabilities. This allows companies to focus more time on building relationships with customers rather than worrying about minutiae behind-the-scenes work that they don’t have the bandwidth for in the first place.

Content Management Systems (CMS)

CMS is a huge part of any website these days which means it’s also essential when it comes to digital transformation. The most popular CMS tools are WordPress and Drupal, although there are many others out there worth considering as well.


With so much data being collected online these days, it’s more important than ever for businesses to have security in place that keeps information safe from hackers who may try breaking through the system at any moment. This is an area where professionals can help immensely. If you’re not up to date on what’s happening in this department then your business could be putting itself in a vulnerable position without even knowing it – which obviously isn’t ideal.

AI technology

This refers to artificial intelligence and includes things like chatbots, voice recognition software and more. These kinds of systems can make it easier for customers to get in touch with your company and/or help them find the information they need as quickly as possible – which increases satisfaction levels overall.


This is a huge part of digital transformation and refers to using mobile devices for everything from purchasing products/services on the go-to tracking customer reviews, finding new potential customers, etc. With so many people now owning smartphones this proves incredibly useful in today’s day and age – just another reason why all companies should have some kind of mobile marketing strategy in place.

User Experience (UX) & User Interface (UI) Design

While they may sound similar at first glance, there are actually different things going on here which you’ll want to take note of when planning your own business’ digital transformation strategy. The main difference between UX vs UI design relates back to website development overall with UX focusing more heavily on internal factors like navigation menus while UI focuses more on how the website looks and feels to outside visitors.

There are many different digital technologies that companies should consider when working on their digital transformation strategy. Whether you’re looking into platforms or marketing automation tools, security solutions or content management systems (CMS), there’s a vast range of options available out there currently – meaning it’s up to you to determine what will work best for your business before moving forward! Once this is determined though, creating an effective roadmap to success becomes so much easier.


Digital transformation is one of the hottest topics in business today. Whether it’s a new way to market your products, an innovative new product or service you want to release, or just some great ideas on how to get more sales with less effort, we can help you figure out what will work best for your company and implement that strategy. From developing dynamic marketing strategies and executing them flawlessly through advertising channels like email marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), our team can help take your idea from the start-up phase to a global phenomenon.

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